Friday, December 9, 2011

Holidays are here!

First, I'd like to welcome as my very first ad. In honor of that, I'm going to talk about my work. Where I use fabric. Every. Single. Day. Fabric, fabric, fabric. Sew it, glue it, tape it. I craft stuff for money. Out of fabric. (I think that is what is called optimizing) I have used, and they are great, which is why I asked them to place an ad. BTW, click on that link and get free shipping. How awesome is that? I should use my own link!

I've been very busy professionally over the last month or so making Christmas happen. Here is the first of the spots to air...

Simone Williams, Carol Binion and I made all the little costumes for Bix Pix animation studios in Burbank. I'm not sure where the costumes end and the computer sweetening begins, but I assure you, there are tiny little clothes made of felt and polar fleece in there somewhere.

Last week I wrapped up about three weeks of crazy busy work on a Christmas commercial for Ford Taurus that will run on Jimmy Kimmel Live next week. It is spectacular, and involves breakaway costumes, dancing girls, dancing boy elves, Little People elves, miles of rick rack and a crap ton of sequins. Both myself and Maria Hora who was my stitcher on the job each ruined a pair of scissors working on it all. Anything that could get snow or glitter on it did. I will link and show photos as soon as it airs.

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